
Trade and Globalisation

Communicating Europe: At Home in Tomorrow's World
Europe/Amsterdam 02 2013 14:00
Bron: Palgrave-Macmillan

In this seminar international experts argue that the EU myopically devotes too much of its public diplomacy resources to communicating with its own citizens. They will present ideas as to how the EU communication with external publics could be improved and indeed take center stage. Main topics for discussion with the public will be European soft power, sub-national actors’ public diplomacy, member states and EEAS challenges in the field of European public diplomacy.

The seminar is for policy makers, Brussels based officials, media, academics, and students with an interest in European public diplomacy. Make sure you register as soon as possible because of the limited capacity of 62 people. Please register with: Joyce Baptista Serna (including your name, profession and ID number).

EU leaders should change tone when talking to rest of the world. Op-ed by Mai’a Cross and Jan Melissen on, 22 October 2013.