
Strategic Foresight

Seminar One Belt, One Road: Dilemmas and Responses
Europe/Amsterdam 02 2016 14:00
Bron: Randy/flickr

This event is upon-personal-invitation only. For further details regarding registration please contact Mrs. Carla Veltkamp.

Three years after Chinese president Xi Jinping announced the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative (OBOR), the implications of this mega-undertaking are still far from clear. Also referred to as the (New) Silk Road, the initiative aims to improve connectivity in and between Asia, Africa and Europe. What is China’s approach to Europe with regard to OBOR, and how do governments and companies in Europe respond? Which are key dilemma’s for policymakers and how are these relevant for stakeholders outside the government? This meeting brings together business and government representatives as well as researchers to discuss these topics in their Dutch context, and to build a network of Netherlands-based actors who have an interest in One Belt, One Road.

The sessions will be moderated by Maaike Okano-Heijmans. Please find the program below. 

14:00-15:30 Part 1: European responses to the New Silk Road

  • Poland on the New Silk Road (Damian Wnukowski, PISM)
  • The view from the European Union (Alain Baron, European Commission-DG MOVE)
  • A comparison of responses to the New Silk Road across Europe (Frans-Paul van der Putten, the Clingendael Institute) 

15:30-16:00 Coffeebreak

16:00-17:30 Part 2: What should be the Dutch approach in relation to the New Silk Road?

An appraisal framework for the Netherlands (Ingrid d'Hooghe, the Clingendael Institute)

Expert panel discussion on:

  • What role should the Dutch government play?
  • Should government and business focus on particular economic sectors to maximise opportunities arising from the New Silk Road?
  • How to strike a balance between economic and security interests in regard to the New Silk Road.

17.30 Drinks 

The full text of the invitation and program can be downloaded below.