
Opening address of Sigrid Kaag at the 70th LBB
17 Sep 2015 - 15:53
Bron: Sigrid Kaag at opening LBB 70. © Clingendael

The official opening address of the 70th Leergang Buitenlandse Betrekkingen (Course on Foreign Relations) was presented by Sigrid Kaag, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon. Sigrid Kaag referred to her experiences in Lebanon and Syria (she previously served as the Head of the joint UN-OPCW chemical weapons mission in Syria) and discussed the recent developments in the Middle East. 

In her speech she specifically highlighted radicalisation, the functioning of the UN Security Council, and the current refugee crisis. She also shared her personal experience as LBB alumnus and underlined the importance of training and reflection. Ms Kaag concluded her address by giving advice on how to effectively operate in an international context.

More information about the Leergang Buitenlandse Betrekkingen can be found here

- 16 September 2015