
Trade and Globalisation

Dealing with China: Lessons from Southeast Asia
08 May 2019 17:00 - 19:30
Bron: blog.rezoomo

This event is organised together with the LeidenAsiaCentre. Register here.

China’s growing influence on the economies, politics and societies of Europe has recently become an increasingly debated topic in the Netherlands and within the EU. It is no secret that the opinions on how to deal with this development vary, resulting in both welcoming and alarmist responses to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

But Europe is not the only one facing this problem. Actors in Southeast Asia, including ASEAN, have for many years witnessed and responded to a China that is increasingly exerting its influence abroad. Understanding the way these actors have approached this issue can result in meaningful insights for Dutch and EU policy makers. At the same time, the EU has been developing its Connectivity Strategy together with ASEAN, which already in 2010 presented their Masterplan on Connectivity.

During our seminar and public discussion we will shed more light on these developments. Our speakers are Dr. Cheng-Chwee Kuik (The National University of Malaysia), he will analyse the various responses to China’s growing influence in the region. Subsequently, Dr. Lay Hwee Yeo (EU Centre, Singapore), Anita Prakash (ERIA, Jakarta) and Dr. Maaike Okano-Heijmans (the Clingendael Institute) will take a look on how both the BRI and EU/ASEAN Connectivity initiatives affect the intensity of diplomatic relations between Asia and Europe.

Afterwards we will discuss to what extent the experiences and ideas of actors in Southeast Asia and Europe can be valuable to one another in a public session.

This meeting will be moderated by Michel Kerres (NRC, diplomatic correspondent).


17.00: Registration
17.15: Start seminar 
19.15: End seminar & start closing drinks 

Register here