Explanatory notes:
M Monitoring the implementation of an agreement. This task, when mandated to a certain mission, was/is not necessarily performed by UN police within the mission. The other task categories apply specifically to the police personnel in a mission.
S Substitution (interim administration with executive powers)
O Operations/ Operational support to host state police (e.g. executive policing, riot control, maritime or border security assistance, anti-trafficking operations, protection of civilians)
T/R Training/Reforming (advising, mentoring, SSR, etc.)
Personnel: Maximum realised international staff involved with OSCE Mission
Police staff: Number of international staff undertaking police-related activities
Ongoing and completed OSCE field operations with police staff, running from 2000 onwards
Mission name (Country) Tasks Personnel1 Police staff2 Duration
Mission to Georgia (Georgia) T/R 111 8 1992-2008
Spillover Mission to Skopje (Macedonia) T/R 309 111 1992-2010
Mission to Moldova (Moldova) T/R 14 13 1993-present
Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) T/R 128 Data not available 1995-present
Presence in Albania (Albania) T/R, M 45 3 1997- present
Centre in Astana/Almaty (Kazahkstan) T/R 7 14 1998-2014
Centre in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) T/R 51 28 1998-present
Mission to Croatia (Croatia) T/R 175 120 1998 -2006
OMiK (Kosovo) T/R, Oth5 649 267 1999-present
Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (Ukraine) T/R 4 36 1999-present
Centre in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) T/R 6 27 1999-present
Office in Baku (Azerbaijan) T/R 16 58 2000-2013
Office in Yerevan (Armenia) T/R 9 19 2000-present
Mission to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) T/R, M 63 38 2001-2006
Office in Minsk (Belarus) T/R 5 1 2003-2010
Mission to Serbia (Serbia) T/R 44 25 2006-present
Mission to Montenegro (Montenegro) T/R, M 15 6 2006-present
Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan) T/R 3 Data not available 2006-present
Office in Tajikistan (Tajikistan) T/R 35 710 2008-present
Mission to Skopje (Macedonia) T/R 50 42 2011-present
Project Co-ordinator in Baku (Azerbaijan) T/R 5 Data not available 2014-present
Programme Office in Astana (Kazakhstan) T/R Data not available Data not available 2015
Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (Ukraine) M/O 58711 Data not available 2014-present
Observer Mission at the Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk M 17 Data not available 2014-present

Source: OSCE

Since not all police deployment by OSCE is visible in the organisation’s available statistics, the numbers of police staff only represent staff working in police related activities – meaning activities that are focused on police development and reform or on countering transnational threats and organised crime.

The OSCE does not deploy police of military officers that are in active service. Therefore, military or police staff should be temporarily put on administrative leave by their employer. It is not uncommon for the OSCE to deploy pensioned police or military officers, that are, in the Netherlands, hired from a pool of experts, administered by the MFA.

Based on the Annual Reports on OSCE Activities 2000 until 2014.
Based on Appendices 3 and 6 of OSCE Report on Police-Related Activities up to the end of 2009 and OSCE Annual Reports on Police-Related Activities 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Data for the years after 2009 not available
Data for the years after 2009 not available
The creation of an entire criminal justice system and police agency in Kosovo
Data for 2014 not available.
Data for 2014 not available.
Data for 2013 not available.
Data for the years after 2009 not available.
Data for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 not available.
Most recent number of staff available, as mentioned in Status Report as of 26 August 2015, OSCE, Kyiv, 27 August 2015