Explanatory notes:
M Monitoring the implementation of an agreement. This task, when mandated to a certain mission, was/is not necessarily performed by UN police within the mission. The other task categories apply specifically to the police personnel in a mission.
S Substitution (interim administration with executive powers)
O Operations/ Operational support to host state police (e.g. executive policing, riot control, maritime or border security assistance, anti-trafficking operations, protection of civilians)
T/R Training/Reforming (advising, mentoring, SSR, etc.)
Start deployment Final year deployment Acronym Mission Country IO Tasks Police Max number of police staff deployed
2001 2002 ECPA Albanië EU T/R 2
2002 2003 KPSS Kosovo OVSE T/R 4
2003 Unknown UNFICYP Cyprus VN M, T/R 7
2003 Unknown EUPM Bosnië-Herzegovina EU T/R 6
2003 2006 Servië-Montenegro OVSE T/R 7
2004 2005 Eupol Proxima Macedonië EU T/R 7
2005 2005 UNIIIC Libanon UN 6
2007 Date UNMISS South-Sudan VN O, T/R 5
2007 Date EULEX Kosovo Kosovo EU T/R 10
2008 Unknown Servië OVSE T/R 1
2009 Date EUPOL Afghanistan EU T/R 50
Unknown Date EUMM Georgië EU M 4
Unknown Date EUAM Oekraïne EU T/R 5
Unknown Date EUCAP-NESTOR Somalië EU T/R 2
2014 Date MINUSMA Mali VN T/R 10
2015 Date SMMU Oekraïne OVSE M 10
Unknown Unknown ISAF Afghanistan (Masar a Sharif) NAVO Liaison role 1

Source: Netherlands Police