To understand what strengths and weaknesses the developments outlined above generate in relation to the conflict cycle in particular, we must briefly survey the toolbox of EU foreign policy, its internal organisation and the role of Member States. In terms of the EU foreign policy toolbox in relation to conflict in its neighbourhood, several dimensions can be identified underneath the European Global Strategy that serves as a capstone:
To begin with, there are thematic and geographical policies, such as the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP, thematic) or the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP, regional in name, mostly bilateral in practice) that make the Global Strategy relevant to a particular subset of issues, or group of countries in its broader Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) context. They are more specific, still quite general, but also dynamic. For example, originally designed in 2004 and reviewed in both 2011 and 2016, the ENP[15] has remained focused on its core objectives of assisting transitions to democracy via elections and support for inclusive economic development while also innovating itself (2011: introduction of the ‘more for more’ principle in response to the Arab Uprisings; 2016: greater focus on security in response to growing migration concerns and tailoring its approach to specific country conditions).[16]
Next come a number of strategic forums for engaging foreign policy partners, such as the Union for the Mediterranean (since 2008), political dialogue with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (since 2014/15) and the Strategic Dialogue between the EU and the League of Arab States (since 2015). These are places where broad EU foreign policies can be discussed in relation to regional developments and the collective priorities of the EU’s partners. While these forums typically produce fairly bland summit statements, they are also useful places for structural dialogue with key stakeholders.[17]
A third – and vital – dimension of EU foreign policy related to the conflict cycle are country-specific arrangements that are always based on an association agreement (the EU’s legal basis for engagement with third countries) and typically rest on a cascade of action plans, country (progress) reports and conflict assessments. Such documents operationalise more generic thematic or geographic policies for a particular country and funnel resources into the achievement of the objectives it identifies (critical resources include funds, human capital, political capital and time). It is not clear at present how well this crucial link in the process ensures that realities on the ground are leading in setting policy feasibility parameters and guiding operational modalities. The fact that there is currently no monitoring mechanism to ensure that short-term interventions (e.g. CSDP missions) and long-term ones (e.g. programmatic initiatives) reinforce one another, based on shared conflict assessments, is a telltale sign that further improvement is needed.
The final dimension of the EU’s foreign policy is the instruments and mechanisms that exist in addition to the EU’s bureaucracy (EEAS, Special Representatives, relevant Commission Directorate Generals and Delegations) that can initiate, operationalise and finance foreign policy interventions in specific countries, themes or other contexts. Instruments and mechanisms include the likes of CSPD missions, sanctions (restrictive measures), the Instrument Contributing to Stability and Peace, the new European Peace Facility[18] and the new Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI).[19] It is worth noting that significant variety exists in the range of financial instruments, operational mechanisms and decision-making procedures that the EU has available, which depend on the Treaty basis of particular elements of EU foreign policy. For example, while the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) has significant leeway in the distribution of humanitarian aid,[20] the initiation and extension of CSDP missions require unanimous European Council approval.
This brings the analysis to a key observation, namely that the creation of the EEAS has not dissolved other centres of foreign policy making and implementation in the EU bureaucracy. The ensemble of existing internal actors relevant to intervention in conflicts elsewhere, such as the European Commission Directorate-Generals for development cooperation (DG DECVO), neighbourhood policy (DG NEAR), humanitarian aid (DG ECHO), the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) as well as the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union itself, do not operate on the basis of similar timelines, mechanisms or procedures. On paper, foreign policy is made in the European Council, supported by the EEAS, which in turn coordinates all other internal EU actors. In practice, a framework for strategising and monitoring the execution of agreed actions in different parts of the bureaucracy is absent while the High Representative has a limited ability to bring about greater alignment.[21] One consequence is that integrated strategic action remains difficult and that ensuring continuous coherence of EU foreign policy interventions takes considerable bureaucratic effort.
In addition to the remaining multi-polarity of the conduct of foreign policy within the European Union institutions, it should be noted that the national interests of the Member States related to conflict in Europe’s near abroad can be substantial and diverge profoundly. They tend to vary in function of geographic proximity (consider e.g. the role of France in the Sahel and the role of Germany in respect of Ukraine). This means that either EU foreign policy needs to be aligned with key Member State(s) to be effective – providing additional ‘services’ or supplying greater collective engagement – or risks being rendered ineffectual. When larger EU Member States cannot agree on foreign policy priorities, paralysis tends to ensue. This has for example happened regarding Libya, with France supporting Haftar’s Libyan National Army and Italy supporting Serraj’s Government of National Accord – the opposing sides of the civil war. EU foreign policy towards the Syrian civil war has arguably also suffered from divergent Member State preferences and views. In other words, the extent to which the political positions of key Member States can be aligned on a given conflict is a key variable for EU institutional foreign policy effectiveness.
Based on the preceding analysis, Table 1 outlines a number of strengths and weaknesses of EU foreign policy regarding the conflict cycle. These will be tested against the specific cases of Syria (Sections 2 and 3) and Iraq (Sections 4 and 5) later in the paper.
Strength |
Weakness |
Strategic |
(1) EU foreign policy has been constantly evolving and improving since the Lisbon Treaty (2009) in both its policy implementation frameworks and supporting institutions. Member States appear keen to make it better and more effective by trial and error.
(3) The EU’s general strategic culture remains weak and the foreign policy interests/divergence of its Member States profound. Moreover, the Strategic Compass work is limited to the area of security and defence and has only just started. Without broader positive change in strategic culture and perceptions, new capabilities and institutional innovations risk being hamstrung.
Operational |
(1) The EU has said goodbye to its boilerplate template of approaching conflicts as a generic phenomenon and introduced much more conflict contextuality in its approaches, at least on paper.[23]
(3) The diversity of foreign policy funding instruments and foreign policy implementation centres makes developing a coherent approach a Herculean task without greater strategic consolidation and streamlining of methods/authorities. Crisis management, especially, is disconnected from interventions in the conflict prevention and recovery spheres.
Sources: Debuysere, L. and S. Blockmans, Europe’s Coherence Gap in External Crisis and Conflict Management, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2019, online; Musiol, L, Better Early than Sorry: How the EU Can Use its Early Warning Capacities to their Full Potential, Brussels: ICG, 2019; ECDPM (2018), op.cit.; ECDPM (2019), op.cit.; Particip et al., External Evaluation of EU’s Support to Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (2013–2018), European Commission, online, 2019; Key informant interviews at European Commission, Parliament and External Action Service (November 2020); Mölling and Schütz (2020), op.cit.
The next Sections on the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars start by tracing the evolution of these conflicts. This helps develop an ‘external’ benchmark for assessing the relevance of EU foreign policy, i.e. how well does it relate to particular conflict episodes and dynamics? Subsequently, the report discusses how the strengths and weaknesses outlined above apply.