
Europe and the EU

Reports and papers

The European Commission in balance?

05 Nov 2019 - 17:25
Bron: European Communities, 2007 / EC - Audiovisual Service
Ambition, organisation and power

This is a courtesy translation of the Dutch-language report ‘De Europese Commissie in balans? Ambitie, organisatie en macht

As Ursula von der Leyen takes office as the new Commission President, it is good form to give thought to the trends in the development of the European Commission. The new President will formulate her agenda and organise the Commission as she sees fit. Von der Leyen aims for an ambitious agenda including, once again, considerable discussion about the ‘future of the EU’ with institutional deepening, such as transnational lists of candidates as a new step towards giving the European Parliament (EP) and Commission President more European legitimacy, reform of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and getting serious with sustainability. In addition, further experimentation with the top structure of the Commission is under way with the appointment of three executive Vice-Presidents, one from each large political family. The aim is to realise ambitions and organisational innovation.

Download full report.

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