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Showing 24 from 1126 result(s)


Judy Asks: Does the French Vote Weaken Europe?
Europe and the EUArticles
Rebalancing agriculture and environment in the Fertile Delta
Europe and the EUReports and papers
Expert Insights: NAVO-top 2024
Security and DefenceMultimedia

Expert Insights: NAVO-top 2024

10 July 202409:25
National Perspectives on Europe’s De-risking from China
ChinaReports and papers
Vroegtijdige betrokkenheid sleutel tot Europees succes
Security and DefenceArticles
Unblocking decision-making in EU enlargement
Europe and the EUPolicy briefs
Economic governance and the rule of law in the EU
Europe and the EUArticles
Beschermingsopdracht Oekraïense ontheemden in Nederland
MigrationReports and papers
Publieksvraag: 'Hoe werken trilogen voor EU-besluiten?'
Europe and the EUArticles
Technological De-risking in Netherlands-China Relations
Europe in the WorldArticles
“Budgetary Conditionality: be careful what you wish for”
Europe and the EUArticles
Clingendael Barometer: Europa moet meer soeverein worden
Foreign Affairs BarometerAlerts
Can Europe green its militaries?
Publieksvraag: Hoe het vetorecht in de EU te vermijden?
Europe and the EUArticles
European defence: The future of EU missions
Security and DefencePolicy briefs
The Future of EU Financing
Europe and the EUPolicy briefs

The Future of EU Financing

15 May 202411:17
Publieksvraag: Zijn Frankrijk en Duitsland de motor van de EU?
Europe and the EUArticles
How Dutch farmers’ protests evolved into political mobilisation
Europe and the EUPolicy briefs
Publieksvraag: Wat is er nodig voor een Europees leger?
Security and DefenceArticles
Balancing openness, economic security and national security
Tech & DigitalisationReports and papers
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Showing 24 from 1126 result(s)