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Showing 24 from 463 result(s)


Trendanalyse Nationale Veiligheid 2024
Strategic ForesightReports and papers
Early Warning, Early Action
Conflict and FragilityReports and papers

Early Warning, Early Action

11 June 202410:53
Beschermingsopdracht Oekraïense ontheemden in Nederland
MigrationReports and papers
Technological De-risking in Netherlands-China Relations
Europe in the WorldArticles
Clingendael Barometer: Europa moet meer soeverein worden
Foreign Affairs BarometerAlerts
How Dutch farmers’ protests evolved into political mobilisation
Europe and the EUPolicy briefs
A plea for European pragmatism
Europe and the EUOp-ed

A plea for European pragmatism

14 March 202414:00
Test uithoudingsvermogen op alle fronten
MigrationReports and papers
’Europa is pas krachtig als landen zelf keuzes maken’
Europe and the EUArticles
Oekraïners terugsturen? ‘Niet zo’n onredelijke vraag’, vindt Bob Deen
Russia & Eastern EuropeArticles
 Tussen Hoop en Vrees
Foreign Affairs BarometerAlerts

Tussen Hoop en Vrees

13 February 202411:49
Strategische Monitor 2023: Barsten en Blokken
Strategic MonitorReports and papers
In Search of Control
MigrationReports and papers

In Search of Control

12 February 202413:01
In Search of Control | Netherlands
MigrationReports and papers

In Search of Control | Netherlands

12 February 202413:00
Clingendael Barometer: Van Ruslandschok naar Hamasschok
Foreign Affairs BarometerAlerts
Clingendael Barometer: From Russia shock to Hamas shock
Foreign Affairs BarometerAlerts
De-risking by promoting digital solutions for green tech: Going Dutch?
Tech & DigitalisationPolicy briefs
Germany’s Zeitenwende and the consequences for German-Dutch defence cooperation
Security and DefenceReports and papers
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Showing 24 from 463 result(s)