Iraq’s adolescent democracy
June 2020
Iraq’s adolescent democracy
Where to go from here
Hamzeh al-Shadeedi & Erwin van Veen

About the authors

Hamzeh al-Shadeedi is a researcher at the Institute of Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, whose work focuses on security and the rule of law in Iraq. He used to work for the Conflict Research Unit of the Clingendael Institute, dividing his time between country analysis of Libya and Iraq.

Erwin van Veen is a senior research fellow with the Conflict Research Unit of the Clingendael Institute. His research focuses on the political-economy of conflict in the Levant – Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Palestine/Israel – against the backdrop of Iranian, Turkish and Saudi foreign policy.

Photo credits

Baghdad, Iraq – November 1, 2019. Iraqi people demonstrating in Public Square against the government
© Shutterstock