During 2022-23 the Clingendael Academy provides a Defense Diplomacy training course in coordination with the Joseph Kruzel Training Centre (JKTC) in Skopje, North Macedonia. The training is separated into three modules:
- International security studies
- Crisis management and crisis communication
- Crisis management operations decision-making
During the first module in May, Clingendael Academy provided training for 15 participants from the North Macedonian Security Sector. This training focused on scenario building as part of the “Defense Diplomacy course on International Security.” The aim of the training was for participants to gain further insights into new and existing security challenges, propose a conceptual framework, develop an awareness of different perspectives, and finally make the link towards North-Macedonian assets and capabilities.
In September the second module on crisis management & crisis communication took place for 13 participants. The aim of this three-day training was to further enhance crisis management & communication skills and develop an awareness of different perspectives. The training programme also made the link towards Macedonian crisis management experiences and structures. To this end, an expert contribution to national crisis management structures was integrated into the programme. This was an excellent way to discuss the challenges and opportunities that the North Macedonian context faces in the field of crisis management.
A multi-year defence capacity-building trajectory
The workshops take place within the context of the multi-year defence capacity-building trajectory that the Clingendael Academy launched early in 2021 with both the JKTC and the Public Affairs Regional Centre (PARC) and with the support of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is an example of Clingendael Academy's support of long-term institutional development in the defense and security sectors. This year the Clingendael Academy will continue to support JKTC and PARC to facilitate the further development of professionals working in North Macedonia's Defense. Another training is on the agenda for the JKTC in mid-October on ‘Strategic Decision-Making within NATO’ provided by the Clingendael Academy.