Clingendael Institute


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Associates are experts in their own field and contractually affiliated with Clingendael. Although associates are not employees of the Clingendael Institute, they comply with all policies that Clingendael staff do.
Showing 24 from 54 result(s)
Senior Research Fellow
Europe and the EU
Research Fellow
Tech & Digitalisation
Research Fellow
Conflict and Fragility
Security and Justice
Senior Research Fellow
Conflict and Fragility
Business and Fragility
Migration and Conflict
Junior Researcher
Europe in the World
Europe and the EU
Senior Research Fellow / Head Security Unit / Coordinator Russia and Eastern Europe Centre
Security and Defence
Russia & Eastern Europe
Research Fellow
Europe in the World
Europe and the EU
Junior Research Fellow
Security and Defence
Strategic Foresight
International security
Knowledge Broker Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law
Conflict and Fragility
Security and Justice
Senior Research Fellow
Security and Defence
Junior Researcher
Conflict and Fragility
Politics and Crime
Senior Research Fellow
Security and Defence
Research Fellow
Europe in the World
Europe and the EU
Research Fellow
Conflict and Fragility
Junior Researcher
Climate Change
Senior Research Fellow
Conflict and Fragility
Security and Justice
Aid Architecture
Junior Engagement and Outreach Officer - Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law
International security
Strategic thinking
Senior Research Fellow
Security and Defence
Research Fellow
Europe in the World
Europe and the EU
Junior Researcher
Conflict and Fragility
Security and Justice
Politics and Crime
Research Fellow
Conflict and Fragility
Business and Fragility
Senior Research Fellow
Trade and Globalisation
Senior Research Fellow
Conflict and Fragility
Business and Fragility
Research Fellow
Europe in the World
Europe's East
Russia & Eastern Europe
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Showing 24 from 54 result(s)