
Security and Defence

Trump and the Iran Deal
27 Oct 2017 13:00 - 15:00
Bron: AP

This public event is organised by University Leiden and will be followed by drinks for everyone at café North End. For more information, click here.

On Friday October 13, Trump announced that he had not recertified the 2015 Iran nuclear deal between Iran, US, UK, France, Germany, China and Russia. While the other partners to the deal quickly announced they continued to support it, the status of the agreement is unclear from an international legal point of view as well as a political perspective. Much will depend on the reaction in the countries involved: Iran, China, Russia and the EU and what interests – internal or geopolitical – will prevail. Another question is what motivated Trump’s speech. 

This event brings together specialists on the US, Iran and international proliferation treaties to debate the speech, its background and the possible consequences. 

  • Maaike Warnaar (Leiden University)
  • Mohammadbagher Forough (Leiden University and Research Associate at the Clingendael Institute)
  • Sico van der Meer (Security expert at the Clingendael Institute) 
  • Sara Polak (Leiden University)