Friday 5 July 2019 was the graduation of the Advanced Master International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD). Professor Madeleine Hosli of Leiden University and Professor Jan Melissen of the Clingendael Institute opened the graduation. Clingendaels' Louise van Schaik delivered speeches for several graduates she (co)supervised and congratulated in particular five students who carried out an internship at the Clingendael Institute.
"If the Master International Relations and Diplomacy is like a good wine, this has been a vintage year"
Jan Melissen: "It is not that these students want to make a difference, they already do, and they are bubbling with ideas as to how to contribute to a better world. I am proud of many of their excellent writings and their determination to see some of their work print. In point of fact, the publishing MIRD student (or alumnus/a) is no oxyomoron."
Suzanne Edelkamp, graduate: "The thing that makes this Master special is that it is a unique combination of theoretical courses related to International Relations and practical education in international negotiations from the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael."
On behalf of all the Clingendael teachers, we are proud of this class of '19 and we wish them all the best in their future careers.
Excellent Status
This two-year MIRD programme offers a unique blend of academic education in international relations and political science with practical graduate education and training in international negotiation and diplomacy. The programme has been assessed as excellent by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This is the highest score possible for an educational programme.
Want to know more about this two-year advanced master programme? Visit the website of Leiden University.