
Strengthening Insider Mediators in the Great Lakes Region
03 Oct 2022 - 09:19
Bron: Clingendael

Disarmament, Demobilization, Repatriation, Reintegration and Resettlement (DDR/RR) processes play an important role in building peace in the Great Lakes Region. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are currently more than 100 armed groups active. Many fighters have crossed borders and raised children in different Great Lakes Region countries. In this complex context, the question of how to approach and include ex-combatants is vital for the process of peacebuilding. And although certainly high-level political processes are decisive, local communities and insider mediators play a pivotal role in building resilience and supporting reconciliation.

In this context, Clingendael was honoured to train insider mediators connected to DDR/RR processes, in Nairobi, Kenya, earlier this month. During the three-day training, the 20 participants gained insights into strategic tools and concepts of negotiation and mediation, recognizing the latter as critical skills needed for a successful DDR/RR process. The training was a collaboration between the UNDP and Clingendael, with different experts providing practical case studies. The trainers and experts reflected with the participants on best practices and challenges regarding the development of an integrated approach to insider mediation and DDR/RR.


Clingendael was particularly happy to collaborate with the ICGLR through this training, crucial to anchor the concepts in the regional cultural and institutional context. The training programme was financed under the UN in support of the Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region project, as well as by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.