
Europe and the EU

Brexit-watching with Simon Kuper
Europe/Amsterdam 10 2018 10:00

The full photostream of this event can be viewed here.

The Clingendael Institute organised a 'Brexit-watching' event with Financial Times journalist Simon Kuper. Simon shared his insights on the state of Britain's Brexit debate, and what it means for the negotiations. Policy makers, experts and national media participated in the debate. 

Simon Kuper at the Brexit-watching
Simon Kuper

Topics of debate were the following:

  • How is Britain's domestic debate on Brexit developing?
  • Will Brexit change British society and its politics and if so, how?
  • What can be expected in the months ahead with the upcoming local elections and parliamentary procedures regarding the Repeal Bill?
  • What does all this mean for the EU negotiations and for the Netherlands?

The session was moderated by Rem Korteweg and was held under Chatham House Rule.
