Rem Korteweg

Senior Research Fellow/Head of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach


  • Europe in the World
  • Europe and the EU
  • Trade and Globalisation


  • Europe

Rem Korteweg is Senior Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute. He works on Europe’s strategic role in the world, with a specific focus on the intersection between foreign policy, trade and security issues. Among his current research interests are European trade & industrial policy, the consequences of the Ukraine war, UK-EU ties, and Europe’s changing relations with global powers. Rem is also the coordinator of Clingendael’s public outreach initiatives.

Until April 2017 Rem Korteweg was a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) in London. In 2012, he had a posting at the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs as strategic policy advisor. In 2006-2007, he was a Fulbright scholar at the Johns Hopkins-SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations in Washington DC. Rem holds a PhD in International Relations from Leiden University, a masters in the History of International Relations from Utrecht University and a bachelors in Social Sciences from University College Utrecht. From 2011 to 2019 he was a committee-member of the Netherlands' Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV).

He is a regular contributor to various international and national media and has published in a variety of newspapers and journals. He is the author of “The superpower, the bridge-builder and the hesitant ally: How defence transformation divided NATO 1991-2008” (2011).

My work



Security and Defence

Experts insights: Russia and Ukraine

12 January 2024 - 10:30
Europe in the World

Christmas Reads 2023

20 December 2023 - 12:30
Politics and Crime

Expert insights: the Dutch elections

07 December 2023 - 11:13
Security and Justice

Russische oorlog in Oekraïne en de nationale veiligheid 

05 April 2023 - 13:50
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Clingendael Leest: Wankel Koninkrijk van Tim de Wit

08 November 2022 - 17:30
Europe in the World

State of the union 2022: War in Europe and its aftershocks

28 September 2022 - 09:00
Europe and the EU

Clingendael Newsroom: Franse verkiezingen

14 April 2022 - 20:00
Europe and the EU

The New German Government

15 December 2021 - 19:00
Foreign Affairs Barometer

NL Kiest - Het Grote Clingendael Buitenlanddebat

11 March 2021 - 20:15
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