
Security and Defence

CBRN Centres of Excellence
Europe/Amsterdam 03 2014 15:00

The Clingendael Institute and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) are organizing a high-level round table meeting titled ‘The CBRN Centres of Excellence: an example of effective international cooperation’ on Thursday 8 May 2014 at the Clingendael Institute.

UNICRI supports the European Union in establishing the Centres of Excellence focusing on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Risk Mitigation in various regions of the world. During this high-level round table meeting, UNICRI officials will elaborate on the experiences of these CBRN Centres of Excellence; do they offer an effective way of combating CBRN risks? Another question is whether this working method could also be applied to other fields of international security cooperation, such as biosafety and biosecurity, advances in biotechnology or intelligence sharing.


15:00 Welcome with coffee and tea
15:15 Introduction, by Sico van der Meer (Clingendael Institute)
15:20 The CBRN Centers of Excellence:
Results after four years, by Francesco Marelli, Head, CBRN Risk Mitigation and Security Governance (UNICRI) and Irakli Beridze, Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor (UNICRI)
16:15 Discussion
17:00 Drinks
17:30 End

This expert meeting is on invitation only.

UPDATE: The seminar presentations are given below.