


Global health governance in the sustainable development goals

01 Mar 2017 - 17:16
Source: European Commission/flickr

Is it grounded in the right to health?

The European Union funded Go4Health research consortium researched the positioning of health in the Sustainable Development Goals providing expert commentary, policy advice, and engagement with key global, national, and local stakeholders.

Go4Health critically examined national and multilateral input into the Sustainable Development Goals process, including the proposed governance structures for health. It advocated for the inclusion of human rights in the Sustainable Development Goals through a right-to-health framing in its analysis and advocacy. In line with the European Commission and World Health Organization, it argued that Universal Health Coverage best embodied these values and provided rigorous academic arguments, grounded in international law, and public health to support this approach.

This research article aims to stimulate debate on the governance and implementation of global health policy frameworks such as the UHC2030 alliance and the High-Level Political Forum on sustainable development.

The possible impact of the research is to advance the normative thinking and development of transnational global health policies that safeguard and advance human rights while acknowledging that the current political momentum is limited. However, we believe that transnational, shared, health risks will eventually also lead to shared transnational health responsibilities. This manuscript, and other publications by Go4Health, will contribute to develop such cosmopolitan health governance frameworks.