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Showing 24 from 171 result(s)

EU Forum - Publications

The CSDP train leaves the station. So what?
Ireland: Pathways to Protection of Refugees
The V4 lack a shared vision for Social Europe
Social EuropeOp-ed
Social Europe: lifebuoy or fata morgana?
Social EuropeOp-ed
Is France taking the lead on EU asylum policy?
Italy, a steady supporter of European defence
The 19th Bundestag: broadened political representation
EU IntegrationOp-ed
Numbers are easier than strategies

Numbers are easier than strategies

19 September 201709:58
Positions of German political parties on the EU
Support for the EUMultimedia
2017: A turning point for European defence?
The EU and the US: a relationship in motion
Support for the EUArticles
French-German EU axis puts the Netherlands on the spot
EU IntegrationOp-ed
How Europe can deal with technological globalisation
Social EuropeOp-ed
The Commission's dogma
Support for the EUOp-ed

The Commission's dogma

2 June 201712:17
Macron's social agenda
Social EuropeOp-ed

Macron's social agenda

16 May 201717:03
Will Emmanuel Macron's victory help Europe weather the storm?
Support for the EUOp-ed
The risks and uncertainty of a Macron presidency
Social EuropeOp-ed
European defence in the French elections
Saving the French social model at the expense of the EU?
Social EuropeOp-ed
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Showing 24 from 171 result(s)