
Negotiation skills training for humanitarians in Dubai
21 Jan 2019 - 11:02
Source: Clingendael

Clingendael Academy provided its final humanitarian negotiations training of 2018 in Dubai. Aid workers from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and Somalia attended the three-day foundation course for humanitarian aid workers.

The interactive training allowed participants to apply a multitude of tried-and-tested negotiation tools in specially designed simulations. These insights allow participants to gain greater control over themselves and the process of negotiation in the future. 

“Overall the training was very good, the trainers always motivated the trainees to share their experiences and gave more time to trainees to participate and learn the negotiation practically. It helped us a lot because we have done different exercises which made us more confident. We played different roles which encouraged us to take such roles in practical life.”

The focus on the behavioural and psychological elements proved to be a good match with the extensive field experience in the team. Participants were quick to apply their insights to the wider negotiation processes that surround them, and local networks were strengthened - a much valued added benefit of our work in the region.

“This is a great initiative by the Clingendael Institute and the Dutch government. Highly required training for all practitioners, but not much available with such a high standard curriculum.”

Clingendael Academy will return to Dubai on the 1st and 2nd of April, for another foundation course. For more opportunities, consult our calendar, or contact a member of the team.