
Europe in the World

Webinar #1 Dealing with China on high-tech issues
04 Feb 2021 13:30 - 14:45
Bron: Shutterstock

This webinar is the first of our series 'Dealing with China on high-tech issues'. The webinar will be streamed live on YouTube.

#1 European, US and Japanese Approaches and Policies

Cooperation or Conflict on tech and data?

China’s growing dominance in the high-tech and digital domains challenges the existing balance of power. More profoundly, it is reshaping the rules of the game of that very system and the standards and norms underpinning it. What are the convergences and divergences in responses of the US, EU and Japan as like-minded partners to China’s rise as a technological power?​​​​​​​


Welcome and scene-setting

  • Maaike Okano-Heijmans (the Clingendael Institute)
  • Dorine van Norren (Western Hemisphere Department, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Dealing with China’s growing technological and geopolitical power

  • John Seaman (French Institute of International Relations - IFRI)
  • William Reinsch (Center for Strategic and International Studies - CSIS US)
  • Kazuto Suzuki (Tokyo University, Tokyo)

Reflections: a Dutch view

  • Winand Quaedvlieg (Brussels office, VNO-NCW and MKB-NL - Netherlands’ industry and SMEs)

Also read our latest report Dealing with China on high-tech issues.​​​​​​​

Looking forward to your virtual attendance!

Save the dates 

Thursday 18 February

Webinar #2: European strategic autonomy on high-tech - Also for the good of Transatlantic cooperation?

Tuesday 23 March

Webinar #3: Towards a democratic technology alliance? Opportunities for a 'grand bargain' between the EU, US and beyond ​​​​​​​