What do climate, digitalization, rule of law, healthcare and cyber security have in common? Sure, in this day and age they are all major world issues. They are also areas in which the European Union has clearly taken a stance, in particular over the past five years.
These themes, and many more, were discussed during the first 2021 edition of the ‘Insight in Europe’ course, designed especially for Netherlands’ civil servants. In four days in March, we trained sixteen participants from all over the Netherlands’ central government in how the EU works; and doesn’t work.
We discussed national coordination of EU law, examined the EU’s legislative cycle, and analyzed dynamics between the Institutions as well as power play between the likes of Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen and Frans Timmermans.
Due to increased demand, in 2021, we offer another four editions of Insight in Europe. We look forward to training another large share of the Netherlands government in how to work both in, and with, Brussels.