Against the backdrop of a world evolving at a rapid pace, the seminar organised by Clingendael in December 2023 delved into the theme of "multilateralism and diplomacy". This intensive gathering brought together Chinese diplomats, distinguished academic experts, policymakers, and representatives from various organisations to explore the multifaceted dimensions of contemporary diplomacy and to seek common understanding on various international affairs.
This seminar was a special edition considering that 2023 marked the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic seminar of Chinese diplomats at Clingendael. The seminar's programme featured diverse activities, including interactive lectures on the current state of the multilateralism system, economic diplomacy, and international security.
The seminar also included working visits to the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where Chinese and Dutch diplomats were able connect and discuss, and a lunch meeting at the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands at the EU. This allowed the delegation to engage in discussions on shared interests and challenges. The Chinese diplomats also visited the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) to discuss international law.
The culmination of the programme involved participants presenting their findings on a series of economic challenges for EU-China cooperation before a panel comprising experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Clingendael, fostering collaborative dialogue and knowledge exchange.