Daniel Scholten

Research Associate
Associates are experts in their own field and contractually affiliated with Clingendael. Although associates are not employees of the Clingendael Institute, they comply with all policies that Clingendael staff do.


  • Sustainability

Dr. Daniel Scholten is Research Associate at Clingendael's EU & Global Affairs Unit working on EU's role in the green transition. He is assistant professor at Delft University of Technology. He is also a non-resident fellow at the Payne Institute, Colorado School of Mines, and guest lecturer at the University of Stavanger. In 2018, he was part of the expert panel of the IRENA global commission on the geopolitics of energy transformation. He has advised prominent institutions such as the European Commission and several MFAs and his work has featured in respectable academic journals and popular outlets (e.g. The Economist).

He specializes in the geopolitics of renewable energy. Additional interests involve energy security (policy), the governance of renewable energy systems, transitions to sustainability, and energy scenarios. His current activities include the editorship of an Edward Elgar handbook on the geopolitics of the energy transition, the development of a dedicated online simulation game on the topic (Erasmus+ project), and a project on the external dimension of the European Green Deal with the Clingendael Institute.

His background combines master degrees in political science (Radboud University Nijmegen) and international relations (with distinction, University of Amsterdam) with a PhD on the system integration of renewable energy from an institutional economic perspective (Delft University of Technology).

My work

