
Tech & Digitalisation

Policy briefs

Digital Global Gateway matchmaking: a Dutch case study to bolster European action

30 Nov 2023 - 12:31
Source: Shutterstock

The European Union’s Global Gateway investment agenda is gaining traction and political support across the EU bloc, including in the digital domain. This shift in attitude has to be supported by concrete action from member states in identifying their own strengths, as well as local needs in countries of the Global South, as the Netherlands is seeking to do. A key challenge for European players in strengthening their offers to countries of the so-called ‘Global South’ is to know and to act on local needs, engaging with partner countries that also wish to take advantage of the opportunities arising from the digital and data-driven economy. This Policy Brief presents the findings of such a matchmaking exercise, specifically between Dutch digital strengths and local needs in the digital domain in Kenya, Egypt and Vietnam. Hard infrastructure, which is the focus of the EU Global Gateway so far – forms the base of any digital transformation. Building on this, EU member states can offer opportunities in sought-after (sectoral) applications – such as in education, health, agriculture, FinTech or manufacturing – that lay the foundation of an open, inclusive and secure digital domain. Complementing the matchmaking exercise, new (financial) instruments are needed to deliver on the scale of digital needs and interests of partner countries.

Read full policy brief.


Clingendael mini-series on Digital Global Gateway

This Policy Brief is the third policy brief of the Clingendael mini-series on Digital Global Gateway. The first Policy Brief assesses the four digital strengths of the Netherlands. The second Policy Brief assesses the needs of three countries: Egypt, Kenya and Vietnam.

Taken together, the mini-series offers actionable steps for the Dutch government to contribute to the EU’s Global Gateway in the digital domain. EU-wide coordination and cooperation will be facilitated if other EU member states make similar knowledge available, with the aim to boost Digital Global Gateway action.