
Security and Defence


Expert insights: Afghanistan

30 Aug 2021 - 17:00
Source: People try to get into Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan August 16, 2021. REUTERS

The developments in Afghanistan are changing rapidly. To navigate through the latest news and place the happenings in a broader perspective, we have created a compilation of our latest articles and 'in the media' expert comments. 


In the series '20 years after 9/11', the Clingendael Spectator reflects on the end of the longest war in American history.

#1 20 jaar strijd tegen terrorisme bleek geldverslindend falen

#2 The past and future of Afghan warlords

#3 Vijf verklaringen voor de machtsovername van de Taliban

#4 20 jaar Nederland in Afghanistan: it's the politics, stupid

#5 The end of the American era in Afghanistan: a personal view

#6 A new regional 'Great Game' in and around Afghanistan?


Read our latest publications below:

Juist nu mag Nederland de Afghanen niet in de steek laten

Opinie door Jorrit Kamminga in Trouw

Afghaanse exitstrategie van de VS is rampzalig

Opinie door Willem Post in het NRC Handelsblad

Rebuilding Afghanistan in Times of Crisis

Book by Jorrit Kamminga.


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