
Conflict and Fragility


Experts Insights: Sudan

23 Jun 2023 - 10:00
Source: Reuters

The fighting that has erupted in the East African country of Sudan is a direct result of a vicious power struggle within the country's military leadership. The clashes are between the regular army and a paramilitary force called the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). There are fears that the fighting could further fragment the country, worsen political turbulence and draw in neighbouring states.

To navigate through the latest news and place the happenings in a broader perspective, we have created a compilation of our latest publications, videos and 'in the media' expert comments.



Kleptocracy versus Democracy: How security-business networks hold hostage Sudan’s private sector and the democratic transition (10 Nov), Anette Hoffmann, Guido Lanfranchi


To stop the war in Sudan, bankrupt the warlords

8 May 2023

As Sudan’s generals resist international calls for a ceasefire, there is one potential way to stop the fighting: deny the SAF and the RSF the financial resources they need to finance their war efforts. This can be achieved through targeted sanctions against companies that generate revenue for the generals, while delivering no benefits for the population – gold mining companies, for instance. Read the Clingendael Alert

War in Sudan: Civilian forces at the heart of any solution

4 May 2023

A merciless war is raging in Sudan. The civilians who bear the brunt of that violence neither take part nor sides in the power struggle between two ruthless military leaders. To prevent the conflict from escalating into a full-blown civil war, Anette Hoffmann and Guido Lanfranchi urge Western governments to turn the balance of power on its head: disrupting the networks and corporate structure that finance the generals, while empowering the civil society structures that drive Sudan’s strong pro-democracy movement. Read Spectator analysis. 

Nieuw akkoord in Soedan is een overwinning voor de generaals

9 januari 2023

In december 2022 werd een akkoord getekend tussen een coalitie van prodemocratische oppositiebewegingen en de militaire machthebbers van Soedan, die via een staatsgreep de macht hadden overgenomen. Lees Anette Hoffman's op-ed terug waarin zij beargumenteerde dat zonder een geloofwaardig politiek proces de huidige machthebbers in Soedan en hun internationale vrienden zoals Egypte, de Emiraten en Rusland het land en de regio verder zullen destabiliseren. Voor de Soedanese bevolking zou dat systematische onderdrukking en geweld betekenen. Lees op-ed.

The West's Struggle in Sudan 

20 July 2022

Almost four years after the historic ousting of the long-time dictator al-Bashir, Sudan's revolution continues. Burhan and Hemedti are struggling for power and the historic opportunity for genuine democratic transition risks being lost. Re-read Anette Hoffman's policy brief on how the West can help counter the course in Sudan. Read policy brief. 

Military coup betrays Sudan's revolution

5 November 2021

On Monday 25 October 2021, Lieutenant-General Abdul-Fattah al-Burhan staged a military coup that stalled Sudan’s political transition towards civilian rule. With the government dissolved and a state of emergency declared, two years of painfully gained achievements towards democracy could be lost, the hopes of millions of peaceful protestors shattered, and an already fragile region further destabilised. Reread Anette Hoffmann's policy brief that presents three plausible scenarios for a way out of the crisis and concludes with considerations for policy makers to get Sudan back on track towards democratic rule. Read policy brief. 


Experts in the media

Wat er gebeurt in Sudan 'grenst aan puur kwaad', maar wereld grijpt niet in, Anette Hoffmann / NOS

Escalerend geweld en humanitaire crisis in Sudan, Anette Hoffmann / Nieuwsuur

Opleving van etnisch geweld in Darfur, waar milities terrein winnen, Anette Hoffmann / NOS

Europa vergeet Soedan, terwijl geweld toeneemt: 'Land wordt opgesplitst', Anette Hoffmann / RTL

Hoe het Westen in Soedan samenwerkt met moordlustige paramilitairen, Anette Hoffmann / NRC 

Sudanese aartsvijanden willen praten, internationale gemeenschap wacht af, Anette Hoffmann / NOS  

Hoe voorspelde hongersnood in Soedan nu werkelijkheid wordt: 'Mensen sterven langzame dood', Anette Hoffmann / RTL Nieuws


