Goos Hofstee

Research Fellow


  • Security and Defence
  • Strategic Foresight


  • Middle East & North Africa

Goos Hofstee joined the Clingendael Institute as a Research Fellow in July 2019. Her research focusses on strategic foresight, geopolitical trend analysis, scenario development, and horizon scanning, with a specialisation in Middle East politics, international security and terrorism.

Before joining the Research department, she worked as an Academy Fellow at Clingendael, where she was responsible for the design and coordination of the training programmes focussed on international security. In addition to this, as subject matter expert she regularly provided training sessions on topics relating to international security analysis, strategic foresight and Middle East politics.

Goos has a background in international security analysis and counterterrorism, as well extensive experience in the Middle East. Among others, she worked at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and as a consultant on defence and security policy issues.

Goos holds an Msc in Middle East Politics (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London), an MA in International Relations (Utrecht University), and a BA in History (University of Groningen). She regularly lectures at various universities on topics related to international security and the Middle East.

My work



Strategic Foresight

Horizonscan Nationale Veiligheid 2020

01 December 2020 - 16:43
Security and Defence

Sino-Russian relations in Central Asia

30 November 2020 - 12:00
Strategic Foresight

Geïntegreerde risicoanalyse: Caribisch Nederland

18 November 2020 - 11:00
Security and Defence

The Debate around Returning Foreign Fighters in the Netherlands

13 January 2020 - 10:42
Strategic Foresight

Global Security Pulse: Terrorism in the Age of Tech

25 October 2019 - 15:20
