Security and Justice

Photo: A security force team member maintains security and checks communications. The U.S Army / Flickr

CRU’s research in the field of security and justice focuses on the impact of elite interests and political power dynamics on security and justice provision, as well as on innovations in (support for) security and justice solutions to address 21st-century conflict and fragility.

Our Security and Justice Experts
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Research Fellow
Knowledge Broker Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law
Senior Research Fellow
Operations Assistant Knowledge Platform for Security & Rule of Law
Learning Officer Knowledge Platform for Security and Rule of Law
Junior Researcher
Research Associate
Research Associate
Senior Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Head Conflict Research Unit
Knowledge Broker - programming and practice KPSRL
Research Associate
Head of Secretariat Knowledge Platform for Security & Rule of Law

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PublicatiesConflict and Fragility

Israel against Iran: regional conflict scenarios in 2024

17 July 2024 - 16:33

This brief outlines and discusses four scenarios for regional conflict between Israel, Iran and the United States. War is not inevitable, but actions that can prevent regional conflict must be taken before the US presidential elections.

Featured research programmes

Institute Clingendael realizes research, training and consultancy for national and international parties.

Commissioned research

Conflict and FragilityResearch programme

Horn of Africa

27 June 2017 - 16:55