Business and Fragility

Photo: Women in Salima, Wikimedia Commons

CRU’s research in the field of business and fragility focuses on the impact of private sector development on stability, and vice versa. Our work varies from exploring private sector development programmes’ peacebuilding potential, to the implications of instability and conflict for corporate investments, operations and international supply chains.

Our Business and Fragility Experts
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Senior Research Fellow
Research Associate
Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow

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PublicationsBusiness and Fragility

The EU’s Approach to the Horn: Internal and External Challenges

24 July 2024 - 11:43

Featured research programmes

Institute Clingendael realizes research, training and consultancy for national and international parties.

Commissioned research

Conflict and FragilityResearch programme

Horn of Africa

27 June 2017 - 16:55