
Security and Defence

Reports and papers

Expert Insights: Strait of Hormuz

24 Jul 2019 - 09:24
Source: Strait of Hormuz / Quartz

The developments in the Strait of Hormuz are changing rapidly. To navigate through the latest news and place the happenings in a broader perspective, we have created a compilation of publications and 'in the media' expert comments. 

Read our publications

A European take on Warsaw's anti-Iran show 

Senior Research Fellow Erwin van Veen from our Conflict and Fragility Research Unit wrote a commentary on the objective and consequences of the US-sponsored Warsaw Mideast summit for the balance in the region and the role of Iran. Written in February this year, but highly relevant. Van Veen says: 

"While history suggests that putting it under maximum pressure will generate maximum resistance, the real prize is to get Iran to take more responsibility for regional stability – for its own sake."

Read the full opinion here

It's less about Iran and more about stability in the Middle East

Furthermore, Erwin van Veen has tailored a recipe for Europe to increase its responsiveness to the instability in the Middle East. One of his insights regarding the position of Iran in the region is:

"it is possible to break the European impasse to advantage by supporting Iran via a concrete cooperation initiative with China"

However direct bilateral confrontation with the US is not attractive and the ingredients required for an autonomous European foreign policy are threefold. Read the full opinion here

The Global Security Pulse (GSP) on Economic Security 

The GSP allows you to spot new security developments ahead of the curve. This April we presented novel and important developments and must-reads on economic security 

Global Secuirty Pulse
Looking at the trends of the Open trade routes, the vulnerability of maritime chokepoints is an increasing threat

Read the GSP to put the confrontations in and relating to the Strait of Hormuz in a larger perspective. 

Expert comments in the media (Dutch) 

Nederland moet niet meedoen aan Amerikaanse missie naar Straat van Hormuz, Dick Zandee / EenVandaag (video)

Nederland moet niet zomaar meedoen met Britse missie in Straat van Hormuz, Ko Colijn / NRC

Rond 2050 gaan oorlogen niet meer om olie maar om zon en wind, Louise van Schaik / Trouw

Iran en de VS spelen met vuur, maar ze willen het beheersbaar houden, Dick Zandee / NPO Radio 1

Nederland moet nu geen fregat naar de Golf sturen, Ko Colijn / Volkskrant

Jullie een tanker, wij een tanker, Dick Zandee / NPO Met Het Oog op Morgen 

Wereld kijkt gespannen naar de situatie in de Straat van Hormuz, Dick Zandee / NPO Radio 1

Iran neemt Britse olietankers in beslag, Dick Zandee / Nieuwsuur (4:30)