
Conflict and Fragility

Photo: SBS News

The Conflict Research Unit conducts research on the political economy of 21st century conflict and fragility dynamics. By offering insights and innovative approaches as to how to reduce the occurrence, intensity and impact of violence, we aim to achieve that policy makers and practitioners feel urged and enabled to take informed action against the human suffering caused by violent conflict today.

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Our Conflict and Fragility Experts
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Head Conflict Research Unit
Senior Research Fellow
Knowledge Broker Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law
Senior Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Associate
Junior Researcher
Associate Fellow
Learning Officer Knowledge Platform for Security and Rule of Law
Junior Researcher
Research Fellow
Research Associate
Senior Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Associate
Head of Secretariat Knowledge Platform for Security & Rule of Law
Senior Research Fellow
Knowledge Broker - programming and practice KPSRL
Operations Assistant Knowledge Platform for Security & Rule of Law
Project Support Officer (Conflict Research Unit)
Research Associate
Junior Researcher
Senior Research Fellow

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PublicatiesConflict and Fragility

Niger’s Repeal of the 2015/36 Anti-Smuggling Law

19 July 2024 - 14:49

In July 2023, Niger experienced a significant political shift following a military coup d’état. One of the effects of the coup d’état was the decision of the military authorities to abrogate the unpopular 2015/36 Anti-Smuggling Law adopted in 2015 and implemented since mid-2016. 

Featured research programmes

Institute Clingendael realizes research, training and consultancy for national and international parties.

Commissioned research

Conflict and FragilityResearch programme

The Middle East

27 June 2017 - 17:20
Conflict and FragilityResearch programme

The Sahel Programme

27 June 2017 - 17:00
Conflict and FragilityResearch programme

Migration & conflict

27 June 2017 - 16:56