
Security and Defence

Photo: skeeze / pixabay

The Security Unit focuses on the nature of security challenges for the world, Europe and the Netherlands and the ability to deal with them. Security is understood as a broad concept, ranging from defence to cross-border security issues. Themes therefore range from territorial defence to cyber threats, from nuclear weapons to migration challenges, terrorism and transnational organised crime.

Our Security and Defence Experts
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Senior Research Fellow
Senior Research Associate
Junior Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow / Head Security Unit / Coordinator Russia and Eastern Europe Centre
Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Senior Research Associate
Senior Research Associate

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PublicatiesSecurity and Defence

Expert Insights: NAVO-top 2024

10 July 2024 - 09:25

Van 9 t/m 11 juli vindt in Washington een top plaats van de 75-jarige NAVO. In zijn jubileumjaar kijkt het bondgenootschap aan tegen een waaier aan uitdagingen en prangende vragen. Namens Clingendael zijn Bob Deen en Rem Korteweg aanwezig op de top.

Featured research programmes

Institute Clingendael realizes research, training and consultancy for national and international parties.

Commissioned research

Europe in the WorldResearch programme

Europese verkiezingen 2024

24 April 2024 - 10:05
Europe and the EUResearch programme
Europe in the WorldResearch programme

Foreign affairs Barometer

23 July 2020 - 12:21