
Europe in the World


Christmas reads & must-watch videos 2022

22 Dec 2022 - 09:00
Source: Clingendael
Happy Holidays!

Look back with us to a year full of state-of-the-art research. Take your pick of our most popular publications, explainers and events of 2022.

We wish you Happy Holidays!


Top 5 publications 2022

Check out our most popular publications based on LinkedIn views.

1. How Vladimir Putin uses the history of the Russian Empire

- March 2022

Vladimir Putin actively uses Russian history in his policy, like in the run-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Niels Drost analysed over 500 of Putin’s speeches since he came to power at the turn of the century. He explains how Putin consistently instrumentalised history to achieve his policy goals since he became president. In Putin's hands, history gradually transformed into a weapon.

Watch the video below and read his publication.

2. An exploration of China’s influence on the Netherlands’ future maritime logistics hub function

- November 2022

How will China influence the future of our ports & maritime logistics? There is no guarantee that the Netherlands will remain a leader in the years ahead. Geopolitics, particularly China's influence, will have a major impact on the Dutch maritime logistics hub function. Our researchers Frans-Paul van der Putten and Xiaoxue Martin developed four scenarios for possible actions by the Dutch government and the Dutch maritime logistics sector.

Want to read more? Read the report (in Dutch) or English summary.

3. Russia’s growing presence in Africa & implication for EU policy

- October 2022

The growth of Russia’s presence across Africa over the last decade has generated significant international concern, further exacerbated after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s engagement can affect the interests and policies of the European Union and its member states in Africa. How should European policymakers understand these developments and respond to them? To answer this question, Guido Lanfranchi and Kars de Bruijne look at Russia’s engagement in Africa, reaching three main conclusions.

Watch the video below and explore his full report.

4. Vriendschap winnen

- Januari 2022

Bijna alle provincies en tientallen Nederlandse steden hebben officiële vriendschapsbanden met Chinese tegenhangers, en bijna alle Nederlandse gemeenten zijn wel op een of andere manier betrokken bij uitwisseling met een Chinees bedrijf, overheid of kennisinstelling. Waartoe onderhoudt China banden met Nederlandse gemeenten en provincies? Ties Dams dook erin.

Meer weten? Lees het rapport.

5. Long-term protection in Europe needed for Ukrainian refugees

- September 2022

Societies, both at a European and national level, better start preparing for long-term protection and social participation of millions of Ukrainian refugees on the continent instead of temporary crisis reception. Monika Sie Dhian Ho, Bob Deen and Niels Drost, who monitor the conflict and migration flows in Europe since the Russian invasion on February 24th urge policymakers to step up action. 

Want to know more? Read the Alert.

Check out all our publications here.


Top Clingendael events 2022

A brief review of our best-visited Clingendael events; videos worth looking back at. Take the time to listen to interesting insights from remarkable speakers.

State of the Union 2022: War in Europe and its aftershocks

- September 2022

Clingendael reflects on the medium and long-term consequences of the war for the European Union and its Member States, the EU’s neighbourhood, NATO, and the future of the United States’ engagement in European security.

Oekraïne | Clingendael Newsroom

- Maart 2022

Experts bespraken de meest recente ontwikkelingen rond de Oekraïne-oorlog. Ze gaven toelichting op bijvoorbeeld de nucleaire dreiging, kansen voor diplomatie en de impact van de sancties op Rusland. Ze zoomden ook in op de humanitaire crisis en vluchtelingenstromen vanuit Oekraïne naar de EU.

Keynote by Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Emine Dzhaparova

- June 2022

Emine Dzhaparova addressed the current situation in Ukraine, including the early warning of Russian aggression in 2014 when the Crimean Peninsula was annexed. She also spoke about Dutch-Ukraine relations and Ukraine's bid for EU candidacy status. Robert Serry, former and first Dutch Ambassador to Ukraine and Bob Deen, who were both also in Crimea in 2014, joined her for this Clingendael event.

'Hoe de grootmachten de koers van de wereldpolitiek bepalen' met Sven Biscop

- May 2022

De koers van de wereldpolitiek wordt bepaald door de wisselwerking tussen de grootmachten: de VS als de gevestigde macht, Rusland als de afnemende macht, China als de gearriveerde macht en de EU, als de twijfelende macht. In deze derde editie van ‘Clingendael Leest’ praat hoofd van de Clingendael security unit Dick Zandee met Sven Biscop, professor aan de Universiteit Gent, onderzoeker bij het Egmont Instituut in Brussel en auteur van het boek Hoe de grootmachten de koers van de wereldpolitiek bepalen. 

'Achterstanden inhalen en defensie moderniseren' | Clingendael Newsroom

- April 2022

Wat betekent de oorlog in Oekraïne voor de toekomst van de Europese defensie, de NAVO, en de EU? Maaike Aans van de Clingendael Academy bespreekt het met defensie-expert van Clingendael Dick Zandee in deze online editie van de Clingendael Newsroom.


Must watch Clingendael explainers 2022

Check out some of our most popular explainer videos based on YouTube views.

Hot topic in a hostile world: Article 42.7 of the EU treaty

- February 2022

You may have heard of NATO’s Article 5, which states that an attack on one member state is an attack on all. But what you may not realise, is that the Treaty on European Union also has its own mutual assistance clause. A Chance for the European Union, but a challenge for NATO? Clingendael experts Bob Deen and Adája Stoetman explain.

Securing energy: How dependent are we?

- November 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has completely altered the nature of European energy security. It showed the strategic vulnerability and risk of our continued dependency. What is our exit strategy? And how vigilant should we be given the fears of new dependencies that will be created during the energy transition? Akash Ramnath and Giulia Cretti explain.

Will Finland and Sweden join NATO? Everything you need to know

- May 2022

What seemed unlikely at the start of the year, is about to happen: Finland and Sweden are on the verge of joining NATO. A historic step. Adája Stoetman explains why this step is significant and what it means.

Check out all our video's here.

And don't forget to explore the Clingendael Spectator, our magazine for International Relations.