Niels Drost

Research Fellow


  • Security and Defence
  • Russia & Eastern Europe
  • International security


  • Europe
  • Russia & Central Asia

Niels Drost is a Research Fellow at the Security Unit and the Russia & Eastern Europe Centre (CREEC) of the Clingendael Institute. His research primarily focuses on contemporary politics and security issues in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. 

Niels holds an MA in International Relations in Historical Perspective (cum laude) from Utrecht University, a BA in International Studies (cum laude), majoring in Russia and Eurasia, from Leiden University, and a BA in Journalism from Hogeschool Utrecht. Prior to joining Clingendael, Niels studied Russian language and literature at the Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg and worked as a freelance journalist for Dutch regional and national broadcasters.

My work




Uitdagingen bij een langdurige oorlog

03 November 2023 - 16:10
Russia & Eastern Europe

After Putin, the deluge?

02 October 2023 - 12:40
Russia & Eastern Europe

Russian influence in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro

17 August 2023 - 14:08
EU integration

Oekraïense en Russische gemeenschappen in Nederland

17 May 2023 - 11:09

In gespannen afwachting van het lente-offensief

15 May 2023 - 15:11

Beschermingsopdracht Oekraïense ontheemden

13 February 2023 - 15:40
Show more Publications


Europe and the EU

75 years Congress of the Hague at the Peace Palace

02 March 2023 - 14:00
Russia & Eastern Europe

1 jaar oorlog in Oekraïne: Q&A met Clingendael-experts

24 February 2023 - 13:00
