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Adája Stoetman
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Showing 24 from 34 result(s)


Strategische Monitor 2023: Barsten en Blokken
Strategic MonitorReports and papers
Germany’s Zeitenwende and the consequences for German-Dutch defence cooperation
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Experts insights: Russia and Ukraine
Security and DefenceMultimedia
The war in Ukraine
Security and DefencePolicy briefs

The war in Ukraine

26 July 202315:20
Europese defensiecapaciteiten en de Nederlandse inspanning
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Russische oorlog in Oekraïne en de nationale veiligheid 
Security and JusticeReports and papers
Countering hybrid threats
DefenceReports and papers

Countering hybrid threats

28 March 202316:58
Military capabilities affected by climate change
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Christmas reads & must-watch videos 2022
Europe in the WorldArticles
Realising the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity
Security and DefencePolicy briefs
Rijksbrede Risicoanalyse nationale veiligheid
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Specialising in European defence
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Venezuela’s pathway to peace
Security and DefenceAlerts
 International Conference: The EU Strategic Compass
Security and DefenceReports and papers
European defence and the war in Ukraine
Security and DefenceAlerts
Uncharted and uncomfortable in European defence
Security and DefenceReports and papers
From indices to insight
Security and DefenceReports and papers

From indices to insight

11 November 202109:02
De bestrijding van hybride dreigingen
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Countering hybrid threats
Security and DefenceReports and papers

Countering hybrid threats

25 October 202110:51
Expert Insights: Transatlantic Relations
Security and DefenceArticles
The EU’s Strategic Compass for security and defence
Security and DefenceReports and papers
European strategic autonomy: seizing the momentum
Security and DefenceOp-ed
European Strategic Autonomy in Security and Defence
Europe and the EUReports and papers
Horizonscan Nationale Veiligheid 2020
Strategic ForesightReports and papers
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Showing 24 from 34 result(s)