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Showing 24 from 420 result(s)


Expert Insights: NAVO-top 2024
Security and DefenceMultimedia

Expert Insights: NAVO-top 2024

10 July 202409:25
World Climate and Security Report 2024
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Trendanalyse Nationale Veiligheid 2024
Strategic ForesightReports and papers
Vroegtijdige betrokkenheid sleutel tot Europees succes
Security and DefenceArticles
Exploring the risk of violent extremism along the border between Northern Benin and Nigeria
Conflict and FragilityReports and papers
Early Warning, Early Action
Conflict and FragilityReports and papers

Early Warning, Early Action

11 June 202410:53
Freedom isn’t Free: A cost-benefit analysis of support for Ukraine
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Can Europe green its militaries?
European defence: The future of EU missions
Security and DefencePolicy briefs
Publieksvraag: Wat is er nodig voor een Europees leger?
Security and DefenceArticles
Balancing openness, economic security and national security
Tech & DigitalisationReports and papers
Freedom isn’t Free: Een kosten-baten analyse van de steun aan Oekraïne
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Expert insights: Israel-Hamas war
Conflict and FragilityMultimedia
Steun aan Oekraïne: geen tijd om te verliezen
Russia & Eastern EuropeAlerts
'Wij Europeanen moeten steun opbouwen, anders verliest Oekraïne'
Russia & Eastern EuropeArticles
Beggars can’t be choosers
Security and DefenceOp-ed

Beggars can’t be choosers

19 February 202412:39
Strategische Monitor 2023: Barsten en Blokken
Strategic MonitorReports and papers
Germany’s Zeitenwende and the consequences for German-Dutch defence cooperation
Security and DefenceReports and papers
European defence industry: urgent action is needed!
Security and DefencePolicy briefs
Experts insights: Russia and Ukraine
Security and DefenceMultimedia
Christmas Reads 2023
Europe in the WorldMultimedia

Christmas Reads 2023

20 December 202312:30
Undercurrents: essays below the surface of China’s geopolitics
ChinaReports and papers
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Showing 24 from 420 result(s)