

Europe in the World

China Centre

26 Jul 2024 - 21:13
Source: Photo Source - 123RF
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The Clingendael China Centre carries out state-of-the-art analyses and policy research with the aim to provide strategic advice and tailor-made solutions for government ministries, companies, business associations, and nonprofit organisations.


European governments, businesses and other stakeholders are increasingly conducting a serious, strategic debate on the growing role and influence of China in the world, including in Europe. Key issues include European responses to economic security, cyber security, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, China-Africa relations, human rights, knowledge security, and industrial and competition policy. 

Clingendael China Center

On this page you will find our experts, latest research, events, trainings and media content related to China’s global affairs. Feel free to reach out to the Head of the Clingendael China Centre, Raoul Bunskoek.


The Dutch China Knowledge Network (CKN) is a network established to connect China experts and disseminate knowledge within the government of the Netherlands and beyond. The CKN furthermore organises various events and courses. The secretariat has been assigned to the Clingendael Institute and the Leiden Asia Centre.

The Clingendael China Centre participates in various international expert networks such as the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC), China in Europe Research Network (CHERN), the ReConnect China Network, CSCAP-EU, the Digital Power China (DPC) research consortium, and the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats

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Tech & Digitalisation
Dutch semi-conductor interests in Asia
13 Feb 2023 - 13:00
Navigating an uncertain future
01 Nov 2022 - 11:41
We can’t make China dance to our tune
11 Oct 2022 - 15:28
Trade and Globalisation
Sino-European joint ventures and the risk of technology transfers
29 Aug 2022 - 08:00
Europe in the World
Dependence in Europe’s Relations with China
26 Apr 2022 - 09:52
Europe in the World
China's growing relevance for regional security in Europe
19 Apr 2022 - 09:56
Europe in the World
Constraints for Engagement with China: Dutch Ports and the BRI
13 Apr 2022 - 10:00
Vriendschap winnen
25 Jan 2022 - 18:00
Europe in the World
Connectivity Plans for Asia and Europe
30 Nov 2021 - 10:38
Technologische samenwerking met China
04 Nov 2021 - 09:06
Conflict and Fragility
The UAE and China in the Horn of Africa
24 Jun 2021 - 17:23
Europe in the World
China’s Soft Power in Europe: Falling on Hard Times
20 Apr 2021 - 14:00
Europe in the World
Fostering digital connectivity in and with the Indo-Pacific
19 Apr 2021 - 14:05
Europe in the World
EU-China agreement: A sign of European geopolitical awakening
08 Mar 2021 - 12:35
Foreign Affairs Barometer
Dutch Views of China
06 Mar 2021 - 07:00
New Map of the Belt and Road Initiative
05 Mar 2021 - 16:57
Conflict and Fragility
‘Designed in Ethiopia’ and ‘Made in China’
08 Feb 2021 - 12:32
Europe in the World
EU should not rush investment deal with China
18 Dec 2020 - 12:45
Trade and Globalisation
China & geopolitical considerations for investment screening
22 Dec 2020 - 12:49
Europe in the World
Dealing with China on high-tech issues
22 Dec 2020 - 10:26
De wederopstanding van China
17 Nov 2020 - 09:22
Europe in the World
China and the EU in the Western Balkans
31 Aug 2020 - 11:43
Europe in the World
Unpacking China’s Digital Silk Road
27 Jul 2020 - 10:11
Europe in the World
Europe in the Face of US-China Rivalry
23 Jan 2020 - 12:00
Europe in the World
European seaports and Chinese strategic influence
18 Dec 2019 - 10:15
Trade and Globalisation
The US–China trade–tech stand-off
12 Aug 2019 - 14:29
Europe in the World
Why the EU should pay more attention to Taiwan
09 Jan 2020 - 09:00
Europe in the World
A United Nations with Chinese characteristics?
18 Dec 2018 - 15:36
Trade and Globalisation
Assessing China's influence in Europe through investments
17 Jan 2019 - 12:57
Europe in the World
The Arctic Elephant: Europe & geopolitics of the high north
14 Nov 2019 - 15:02
Strategic Foresight
Economic Security with Chinese Characteristics
05 Nov 2019 - 14:32
Europe in the World
Gaming the new security nexus
21 Nov 2019 - 13:13
Trade and Globalisation
Navigating the US-China Trade-Tech Stand-Off: The Case of Japan
04 Dec 2019 - 13:05
Europe in the World
A 'smart' Smart City plan
07 Oct 2019 - 17:17
Europe in the World
How to strengthen Europe's agenda on digital connectivity
11 Jul 2019 - 14:23
Europe in the World
Terugblik op het Grote China debat
11 Sep 2019 - 13:22
Europe in the World
Welcoming and resisting China's growing role in the UN
08 Feb 2019 - 09:00
Europe in the World
EU-India cooperation and China's Belt and Road Initiative
07 Jan 2019 - 16:28
Europe in the World
Political values in Europe-China relations
07 Dec 2018 - 14:08
Trade and Globalisation
Noord-Brabant and China
29 Oct 2018 - 14:29
Conflict and Fragility
Podcast: China's role in the Horn of Africa
20 Apr 2018 - 12:18
Europe in the World
Towards Greater EU–Taiwan Economic Cooperation?
23 Mar 2015 - 09:28
Trade and Globalisation
Geo-economische monitor
22 Dec 2022 - 10:00
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Staff involved
Monika Sie Dhian Ho
General Director
Raoul Bunskoek
Leader of Clingendael China Centre / Senior Research Fellow
Ingrid d'Hooghe
Senior Research Fellow
Frans-Paul van der Putten
Senior Research Associate
Maaike Okano-Heijmans
Senior Research Fellow
Vera Kranenburg
Research Fellow
Jos Meester
Senior Research Fellow
Henriëtte den Ouden
Academy Programme Fellow
Rem Korteweg
Senior Research Fellow/Head of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach
Ties Dams
Research Fellow
Brigitte Dekker
Research Associate
Xiaoxue Martin
Research Fellow
Luuk van Middelaar
Senior Research Associate
René Cuperus
Senior Research Fellow EU & Global Affairs
Garrie van Pinxteren
Senior Research Associate, Editor
Michel Maas
Research Associate
Tycho de Feijter
Research Associate